I remember the heavenly fragrance that wafted towards us in the morning when we stepped over the threshold of a "home" bakery somewhere on the Adriatic. The crusty bread caressed and nourished several senses at once :).
Pleasant memories from my youth on the Adriatic coast were indeed connected to one of the pleasant impulses that a brand must radiate. After all, a brand is not just a visible symbol, it is a promise and at the same time a customer's expectation of products and services. It is a story composed of a series of facts, actions, feelings, explanations, impulses and reactions.
Building strong brands is more important today than ever before, because in the past brands were only the domain of large companies and corporations, today we find great brands in the local BIO market, at the cobbler in town, at great wine bar, practically at every turn. With the development of social networks, people have also started to develop personal brands. Some companies today are developing the personal brands of their employees while making them ambassadors of their own brand.
Brand is not what you say it is. It’s what they say it is.
Marty Neumier,
The Brand Gap
Why is building a strong and original brand important?
On the one hand, globalization brings services and products closer to people, regardless of their geographical location, but at the same time it inhibits authenticity and suppresses diversification. Therefore, today the tendency to build authentic and different brands is greater, but at the same time more difficult than ever before.
A good brand always represents its colors
Brands are such much more than just a logo on a "polished" sign hanging above the front door of a roadside pub. And at the same time, the idea is clear that while a good logo makes a good impression, the customer experience continues at the point of sale, in the sales process, online, by email, by phone and last but not least in the communication with the customer.
You may already be wondering where I'm going with this. We employ the best ambassadors of our companies and the brands we represent. Reinvigorating brands and making them meaningful has become a new mantra for employees. It's proven that companies and brands are much more successful when employees understand and identify with them.

The experience is worth more than bitcoin
With brand, we promise the customer that the service will be delivered according to their expectations. We build expectations with promises, that the room smells good, that the shelves are tidy, that the board above the door is spotless, that the floor is clean.
Provided we are consistent in our communication and promises, fulfilled expectations eventually create impressions that are deeply inscribed on the customer's heart. When the latter happens, our customer becomes a follower, without hesitation, treat yourself to 3 minutes of winning with your favorite background music.
The Teskey Brothers usually follow my 3 minutes of winning. Treat yourself.