Terms and Conditions

Limitation of liability

The company Aritmija will do its best to provide the most accurate and up-to-date information on its pages, but it warns the users of the websites that the texts are of an informational nature, therefore it does not guarantee and does not assume any responsibility for their accuracy and completeness pages. All users use the published content at their own risk.

Neither the Aritmija company nor any other legal or physical person who participated in the creation and production of these websites is responsible for occasional non-functioning of the website, for possible inaccuracy of information, or for possible š code resulting from the use of inaccurate or incomplete information, and is therefore not responsible for any š code or inconvenience that would arise from the existence of websites, from access to and/or use and/or inability to use information on these websites and/or for any errors or deficiencies in their content, regardless of whether they have been informed of the possibility of such šcode.

Since there are certain links on the Aritmija company website to other websites that are not in any way connected with the Aritmija company and over which the Aritmija company has no control, the Aritmija company cannot guarantee nor receive or forward complaints regarding the accuracy of the content any website to which it provides a link or reference and assumes no responsibility for the security of data on these websites.

The company Aritmija reserves the right to change, add or remove the content of these websites at any time, to add or remove content published on the website www.aritmija.si at any time, in any way, in part or in whole, regardless of reason and without prior warning. All users use all published content at their own risk.

Data confidentiality

The Aritmija company automatically collects data on the use of these pages, especially data on which pages are visited the most, š number of visitors, how long visitors stay on the website, etc.. This data does not allow insight into users' personal data. We will use them for the purpose of improving the use of the website. Aritmija respects your privacy and undertakes to protect the privacy of website users.


All content published on the www.aritmija.si website is the property of the company Aritmija and is subject to copyright or other forms of protected intellectual property within the scope permitted by law.

Documents published on these websites may be used exclusively for non-commercial purposes and may not be modified, copied, reproduced, republished, sent by post or otherwise distributed for commercial purposes without with the express written permission of Aritmija.

All reproductions or copies of the content of these websites must also retain all copyright notices, other intellectual property rights notices or other rights notices (© 2021 Arrhythmia - All rights reserved).

Trademarks and service marks appearing on these pages are registered trademarks owned or licensed by Aritmija or its affiliated companies. The use of these marks is expressly prohibited, except in the cases specified herein.

Aritmija company actively enforces intellectual property rights to the maximum extent permitted by law.